In regards to vaccines: The number one way that dogs and cats are different from human beings is that they go out of their way to seek out and inhale other creatures fecal matter and urine. I’m presuming most people do not do this. That is a good thing because that is why animals are exposed to so many viruses so frequently (let alone worms and other parasites). In Dogs: Distemper. Parvo. Hepatitis. Leptospirosis. Canine Influenza. Coronavirus. Canine Herpes virus. In cats : Feline Leukemia. Feline Panleukopenia. Feline Rhinotracheitis. Calicivirus. Many of these (except Rabies transmitted by bites and scratches) are transmitted by sniffing infected feces and or urine. Most dog’s and cat’s favorite activity. Once a month boosters (except Rabies) starting at 4-6 weeks and finishing with a final booster and Rabies at 16 weeks old is the basic schedule. Momma cat or momma dog’s first milk blocks our vaccines. But it could stop blocking early (now pet can catch viruses) or it could stop blocking late (none of our vaccines worked yet). Please see a veterinarian and get your pets on the proper vaccine schedule to keep them from getting very sick and possibly dying. Also, don’t let them outside on public sidewalks or parks until they are done their first year’s shots because that’s where the viruses are. Vaccines after year one range from boosters every year to some longer lasting vaccines. To protect your pet properly with vaccines and detect illnesses and problems early have them see a vet every year…even if they seem fine to you.
Shots for Pets : Should You Get Your Pets Vaccinated ?